Dockerfile 1.2 KB

  1. #
  2. # Let us create an image for healthcareio
  3. # The image will contain the {X12} Parser and the
  4. # FROM ubuntu:bionic-20200403
  5. FROM ubuntu:focal
  6. RUN ["apt","update","--fix-missing"]
  7. RUN ["apt-get","upgrade","-y"]
  8. RUN ["apt-get","-y","install","apt-utils"]
  9. RUN ["apt","update","--fix-missing"]
  10. RUN ["apt-get","upgrade","-y"]
  11. RUN ["apt-get","install","-y","mongo","sqlite3","sqlite3-pcre","libsqlite3-dev","python3-dev","python3","python3-pip","git","wget"]
  12. #
  13. #
  14. RUN ["pip3","install","--upgrade","pip"]
  15. RUN ["pip3","install","healthcareio@git+"]
  16. USER health-user
  17. #
  18. # This volume is where the data will be loaded from (otherwise it is assumed the user will have it in the container somehow)
  19. #
  20. VOLUME ["/data"]
  21. #
  22. # This is the port from which some degree of monitoring can/will happen
  23. EXPOSE 80
  24. # wget
  25. RUN ["wget",""]
  26. COPY
  27. ENTRYPOINT ["bash","-C"]
  28. CMD [""]
  29. # VOLUME ["/home/health-user/healthcare-io/","/home-healthuser/.healthcareio"]
  30. # RUN ["pip3","install","git+"]